Tuesday 24 September 2013

World's Smallest Road-Legal Car...

                     World's Smallest Road-Legal Car...

The world’s smallest roadworthy car has made it into the 2014 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, which was released last week. The tiny creation was invented by Austin Coulson of Arizona and is just 25 inches high, two feet wide and four feet long.

The car may be small but it’s completely street legal. It runs on a 110cc single-cylinder petrol engine and has a top speed of 33 mph.

Small cars normally mean good fuel economy and Coulson is confident that his mini-creation can achieve at least 45 mpg. Long distance journeys aren't a selling point though – the car can only hold half a gallon of fuel, which means it needs refilled after 22.5 miles!

Coulson hasn’t confirmed whether this car will reach the production stage, unfortunately, so any fans will just need to make do with admiring it from the pages of the Guinness Book of World Records.

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